framing mistake

When framing an addition or deck attached to your home, one small mistake can lead to big headaches and expensive damage.

We recently replaced a set of exterior stairs, and in the process of removing the old to put on the new, we discovered something that will cost the homeowners more than they bargained for! Where the old stairs were anchored to the siding of the house at the landing, the previous builders failed to nail their rim joists into the back joist. Instead, they nailed it directly into the wall of the house.

You might think just a few nails into your siding wouldn’t compromise your house that much (it’s ok, many framers think the same thing). But the reality is these nail holes allow water to collect in the wall, causing catastrophic failure in a relatively short period of time. As you can see in the video below, the result was total rot of the siding, sheathing, and studs.

All told, the total extra project cost to the homeowners for putting just a few nails in the wrong place: a couple grand.

When attaching anything to your home – whether stairs, a deck, or whatever – choose a framing contractor who puts quality over profits. Get a builder with good reviews online and who knows not to take costly shortcuts like this. Do it right the first time.